Saturday, December 11, 2010

Father is no name you deserve.

You know what, what little effort you all showed us today, is far too late to make even the smallest difference in my life.

You, I can't even believe it.
I was standing beside you, waiting, for a good 30 seconds for you to turn to me, when you finally did I got a half asses one arm around the shoulder
"Hi kailey, uhh meaghan."
"Kailey dad, Kailey."
I even went up to Lala and said hello to her, she seemed more pleased to see me then you did.
He didn't even dare say hello to "Meaghan".

Oh what, granny won't come say hello to me because she's scared?
she fucking well should be, it's 10 years and not one phone call, not a letter, nothing.
You should be scared to talk too me.
Grampa, do you even know who I am? Remember either of our names?
Good for you guys, you get your grandson back, no effort for us? fine.
so yeah, you had a right to be scared.

At what point do you stop remembering what your children look like?
When did you forget my eyes were brown and Meg's are green?
Did you remember my birthday this week? of course you did, because it means you don't have to send money anymore.
round of fucking applause.

Did you forget all those Saturdays at Mount Royal?
What about the time you had a seizure and I was looking down at you from the top of the staircase?
Do you remember the joy in my face when I came home and you were out of the hospital for the first time in 3months?
Do you remember the pain in my face when you left that same night because you got mad at mum? No you don't because you left without telling me where you were going, You came back two days later.

I expected nothing from you, from your parents or from Brendan today
Brendan surprised me a little, You did not.

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